Brilliant Uses For WD-40 Nobody Ever Told You About

Published on 04/23/2019

Cleaning Water Stains

Why is it that shower walls and mirrors in the bathroom get grimy water stains? We don’t know the answer to that question, but we do have a solution to that problem. Spray those stains with WD-40 and then clean that mess right up. No hassle, no stains.

Cleaning Water Stains

Cleaning Water Stains


Maintaining Fridge Gasket

I can already hear you asking yourself, “what is a fridge gasket?” It’s that rubbery lining that keeps your fridge airtight – you know, the one that makes that sucking noise when you’re trying to open your fridge too soon after you closed it? Anyway, lots of gunk finds its way there, but not if you clean it out with WD-40.

Maintaining Fridge Gasket

Maintaining Fridge Gasket