Brilliant Uses For WD-40 Nobody Ever Told You About

Published on 04/23/2019

Exterminating Bugs

Surely you’ve heard that cockroaches can survive a nuclear blast. But can they survive the strength of WD-40? We hardly think so. Whether it’s cockroaches or other annoying (and gross) bugs, WD-40 will make sure that they don’t come out to scare you in the middle of the night.

Exterminating Bugs

Exterminating Bugs


Getting Gum Out Of Hair

Do we really have to discuss the qualms of chewing gum again? I guess we do, but just like last time, we have a solution to this problem. Getting gum stuck in your hair usually results in some cursing and the realization that you have to cut off your hair. Not anymore! You can spray WD-40 over the gum and area and then it should come out more easily. Just don’t get it in your eyes or mouth!

Getting Gum Out Of Hair

Getting Gum Out Of Hair