Brilliant Uses For WD-40 Nobody Ever Told You About

Published on 04/23/2019

Defrosting Ice

When winter comes around and temperatures drop to the lowest of lows, nobody wants to spend their mornings scrubbing ice off their car windows. Instead, try spraying some WD-40 on the ice. After that, you should be able to easily wipe off the ice, which should actually melt.

Defrosting Ice

Defrosting Ice


Oiling Scissors

WD-40 can promise a lot of wonderful things, however, cutting in a straight line isn’t one its guarantees. That isn’t to say that using a pair of scissors can’t be aided by our greasy friend. If your scissors are tight and stiff, just give them some WD-40! Don’t forget to wipe off the excess, though.

Oiling Scissors

Oiling Scissors