Brilliant Uses For WD-40 Nobody Ever Told You About

Published on 04/23/2019

Cleaning Crayon Stains

Kids are creative. They also like to spread that creativity wherever they go… walls and doors included. Instead of losing your temper over this common occurrence, try the WD-40 method. That is spraying the crayon marks on the wall and easily wiping them away.

Cleaning Crayon Stains

Cleaning Crayon Stains


Clearing Stains From Wood

Is it too late to tell you that you should have invested in coasters if you have stains on your wooden coffee table? Yes, and no. Watermarks left on wood can make something look cheap and dilapidated. You can actually spray WD-40 on these marks and they will disappear.

Clearing Stains From Wood

Clearing Stains From Wood