These Countries Are Considered To Be The Wealthiest In The World

Published on 12/27/2020

United States

The US’s GDP is only at the top of the world at $20.5 trillion in 2018, and there is much further on our list than that. No. 3. Indeed, the total salary is 63,093 dollars higher, with world number 9. These two high levels allow it to balance the minimal rating of the SPI No. 25. The US ranks among many of the SPI’s strongest in accommodation, water and hygiene, medical and personal health services, but it is far short of inclusiveness, health, and well-being.

United States

United States



Switzerland has some of the world’s highest pay rate, with an average mean of $64.109, rendering it the second wealthiest country in the world. Besides, it contains a range of the world’s most advanced social markers, such as water supply, food, energy sources, independent news, high school admissions, and greenhouse gas emissions. It is differentiated from Germany by GDP of $705.5 billion, classified as No. 20.

