Her Ultrasound Showed Something Unexpected

Published on 12/15/2019

How Big?

This cyst was amongst the biggest the doctors and nurses had ever seen it weighed an enormous 60 pounds, she was lugging around an additional 60 pounds with her! This is the equivalent of carrying seven babies in her stomach at once. As Keely became conscious again she was surrounded by medical staff eager to show her pictures of just how huge this thing was.

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How Big?


Treated Like A Celebrity

When she awoke, Keely was sedated, and truly out of it, she was completely overwhelmed. Keely said, “I remember still being groggy from the anesthetic as they wheeled me back to the ward and excited hospital staff was shoving photos in front of me.” The staff too were taken aback and had never seen such a thing.

Treated Like A Celebrity

Treated Like A Celebrity