Rachael Ray | 40 Lbs
Rachael Ray is well-known for anchoring several Food Network programs in addition to her own talk show of the same name. Ray has always struggled to maintain a healthy weight, but it appears that she has made significant strides in the last few years. With regular exercise and a healthy diet, Ray reportedly shed about 40 pounds. She would put some weight back on, but she seemed to be content with her current appearance. Ray’s talk show has been extended for a fifteenth season in January 2019, so she won’t be going anywhere very soon.

Rachael Ray 40 Lbs
Jessica Simpson | 60 LBS
Celebrities are like the rest of us in that they have struggled with excess baby fat. Among the celebrities that put on a significant amount of weight when pregnant with her kid is Jessica Simpson. She was fortunate that Weight Watchers saw a chance to work with her to help her drop the weight. She ended up with a $3 million payment from it and has already dropped sixty pounds, so it was a win-win situation. In an effort to reclaim her stunning 20-year-old figure in her late 30s, she has also worked with trainer Harley Pasternak.

Jessica Simpson 60 LBS