The Worst Career Ending Sports Injuries

Published on 02/13/2017

Mark Prior – Chicago Cubs

Mark Prior’s career in the mid-90s was fantastic, he had a mid-90s mph fastball, a curveball, a slurve, and a changeup. All the makings of a future great but his time with the Chicago Cubs was overwhelmed with constant injuries. During 2007 to 2013, Prior bounced from team to team, suffering from painful injuries, until he eventually retired.

Mark Prior Chicago Cubs

Mark Prior – Chicago Cubs


Marquis Daniels – Boston Celtics

To this day, no one actually knows how Daniels got injured. He was driving the ball down the court when he just…fell over. Daniels was hardly touched by a defender but still, he fell, hitting his head with such incredible force that absolutely everyone in the stadium heard the thumb over the broadcast. He lay motionless on the court floor for a solid five minutes and was carried out on a stretcher. It came out that Daniels suffered a bruised spinal cord and missed just 1-2 months.

Marquis Daniels Boston Celtics

Marquis Daniels – Boston Celtics