Charlene Tilton
Tilton is best remembered for her role as Lucy Ewing, who was the saucy niece of J.R. Ewing, in the 80s TV show, Dallas. Since then, she has gone on to star in a few films and television shows but none brought her the same fame as her Dallas days. Amazingly, she’s never gone under the knife for plastic surgery which is saying something.

Charlene Tilton
Denzel Washington
Can I just say, hellloooooo, Denzel? Sorry, okay, focusing now. Washington’s big break came during NBC’s television hospital drama St. Elsewhere in 1982 to 1988, he was one of few African-American actors to appear on the series for its entire six-year run. Since then, he has gone on to receive three Golden Globe awards, a Tony Award, and two Academy Awards: Best Supporting Actor in Glory and Best Actor in Training Day. In 2016, he was the recipient of the Cecil B. DeMille Lifetime Achievement Award at the 73rd Golden Globe Awards. Did we mention he’s also a kick a** director?

Denzel Washington