Makeup Tips All Older Women Should Know About

Published on 01/09/2017

Use a retinol cream

Using a retinol cream really makes your skin glow more. Products like RoC Deep Wrinkle Daily Moisturizer SPF30 are a serious lifesaver. It’s the retinol that gets rid of those deep wrinkles and keeps skin smooth.

Skin Care. Girl Applying Moisturizing Cream

Use a retinol cream


“If you want to do it on your own, buy something over the counter, use it very sparingly, and begin by using it only two to three times a week,” says New York M.D. Francesca Fusco, a medical and cosmetic dermatologist.

Check Your Makeup Under Different Light

I know – this tip is one that pretty much everyone knows right? Weeellll, not really. Have you ever wondered why your makeup looks different when you leave your house and jump into your car? I’m sure you’ve thought about it at some point.

Check Your Makeup Under Different Light

Check Your Makeup Under Different Light

Well that’s probably because you may not have the best light when you’re applying makeup. That’s why you should check your makeup as soon as you get into the car. Simple enough.