The Worst Career Ending Sports Injuries

Published on 02/13/2017

Clayton Weishuhn – New England Patriots

Despite having a two year career in the NFL, Wishuhn still holds the Patriots’ single season record for most tackles. His impressive 229-tackle campaign happened in his second season, which turned out to be the last full season he’d ever play. He sustained a nasty knee injury in Week 1 of the 1984 season. His knee problems persisted for so long that he missed the 1985 season as well. After he suffered groin and hamstring injuries as well, he was limited to a mere four games in the 1986 season, his last in the league.

Clayton Weishuhn New England Patriots

Clayton Weishuhn – New England Patriots


Darryl Stingley – New England Patriots

Stingley’s entire four year career was with the New England Patriots, and he racked up 110 receptions, 1, 883 receiving yards and 14 touchdowns. However tragedy stuck during a preseason game against the Oakland Raiders in 1978 when Stingley was hit by defensive back Jack Tatum. Stingley’s helmet connected with Tatum’s shoulder pad, compressing his spinal cord and breaking his fourth and fifth cervical vertebrae. Eventually he regained limited movement in his right arm, but lived the rest of his life as a quadriplegic. This particular incident became a symbol of violence in football and was a wake up call for the NFL to change its rules to downsize aggressive plays. In 2007, Stingley tragically passed away from heart disease and pneumonia complications, commonly found in those who suffer from quadriplegia.

Darryl Stingley New England Patriots

Darryl Stingley – New England Patriots