We’ve Got Some ‘Splaining To Do About ‘I Love Lucy’

Published on 10/29/2017

Lucy, You Got Some Smokin’ to Do

Get this, I Love Lucy almost didn’t air because CBS weren’t able to secure a sponsor for the show. Eventually Philip Morris, a tobacco giant, signed on. Which of course meant that tons of smoking was featured in the episodes – like every single one – and his name “Philip Morris” was written into the dialogue whenever possible.

Lucy You Got Some Smokin To Do

Lucy, You Got Some Smokin’ to Do



Lucille and Desi didn’t agree with sponsor Philip Morris on where filming should take place. Morris wanted to shoot in New York as many TV shows were broadcast from the Big Apple; however Lucille and Desi wanted to remain in LA as it’s near their family. Back then television wasn’t able to transmit far so shows were safeguarded on kinescopes – a camera aimed at a monitor which records the show in negligible quality – and then it’s shipped to distant stations everywhere. Morris did not agree to the show being performed in LA then its kinescopes being sent to New York. Therefore Arnaz made a deal: he and Lucille would take a pay cut and their company, Desilu Productions, would maintain ownership of the films. **Fun fact: this caused the show to become so popular in re-runs and it was Desilu’s 100 percent ownership of the show that turned Lucille and Desi into the first millionaire TV stars.**

