5 Basic Tips Every Freshman Needs To Know

Published on 07/29/2019
5 Basic Tips Every Freshman Needs To Know

5 Basic Tips Every Freshman Needs To Know

Being a freshman is far from easy! While some people gracefully blend in and adapt to their new environment, many new college students dread the day they step foot onto their new college campus. But let’s remember what President Teddy Roosevelt said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” He was mostly right, but he did neglect to mention the very real fear of spiders! Seriously, why are they hairy? And why do they have so many legs? Anyway, we’re here to talk about making sure that your freshman years is spent in the best way possible, and not as a fly on the wall, an owl in the night, or a bug stuck in bed. Here we go…

Explore The Campus… Alone

If you’re imagining a dark, abandoned campus in the middle of the night as a full moon swims between passing clouds while you clutch a flashlight whose batteries are moments from dying, then you probably shouldn’t be in school. Exploring your campus alone doesn’t need to be frightening. In fact, it’s a great way to find your own way around, and to build a mental map of the campus grounds. If you’re worried about getting lost, use this opportunity to ask someone for directions. Who knows? Maybe you’ll make your first campus buddy.

Join Clubs And Events

If you’re looking to make friends during your student career, then you should join a couple of clubs and events. Whether you’re interested in sewing and sports, or in dance and debate, there’s something for everyone. For all you know there could be four hundred others who are interested in protesting the rising prices of tuna sandwiches in Kyrgyzstan. You never know. Campus clubs and college events are fantastic ways to make friends who share the same interests as you. Parties most certainly do fall into these categories.

Attend Classes

I know, parties, late-night cram sessions and morning sickness… the kind you get when you remember you have class. Yeah, it’s not school anymore and you get to make your own schedule… kind of, but you should remember that your attendance is not going to affect anyone but yourself. So while your college professor tells you that you don’t have to come to classes if you don’t feel like it, it’s not ‘cool’. He’s telling you that you’re the only person responsible for making sure you eventually graduate.

Manage Your Time

Every freshman needs to get the real college experience. It’s up to you to make sure that you really have a great time while you’re a student. College has the potential to be some of the best years of your life… but try not to let college become the majority of the years of your life – Van Wilder was just a character in a movie. Manage your time carefully so that you get to party and have fun, while still getting done what you went to college for in the first place.

Be Yourself, Freshman

Yes, yes, it’s a tall order, but being exactly who you are is who you should be. Confidence is key, and while you’re meeting people for the first time, there’s no better opportunity to be the best version of yourself. While you’re a freshman yourself, try to remember that there are hundreds of other freshmen around just like you.