Famous Last Words: Celebs and the Words They Left Us With

Published on 01/08/2017

Ned Kelly

An outlaw and a folk hero. Ned Kelly is notoriously well known for his charm and Robin Hood antics, although some believe he was a hoodlum. That’s for you to decide.

Ned Kelly

Ned Kelly


When he was finally caught and put in the gallows, to be executed by hanging, his last words were nothing short of, “I suppose it had to come to this, such is life.”

Cory Monteith

Ugh. When news broke in 2013 that the beloved and talented Cory Monteith (forever Finn Hudson in our hearts) passed away at age 31 following a drug overdose, my heart broke. As did the hearts of his family, friends and fans. Especially that of his girlfriend, the lovely Lea Michele (Rachel Berry forever).

Cory Monteith

Cory Monteith

Michele revealed Monteith’s last words in her first album titled “Louder”, she wrote a tribute song using those exact words. While speaking on the phone, Monteith said, “I love you girl,” to which she replied, “I love you more.” Monteith’s last words were, “If you say so.” ~I’m not crying, you’re crying.~