How to Study at Night: 12 Handy Tips

Published on 11/24/2016

Take Healthy Breaks

Just because you’re studying well into the night does NOT mean you have to study continuously without stopping. If you just study, study, study not only will you burn through whatever energy you built up, you won’t retain much of what you’re actually studying and the crash that will happen only means you’ll wake up feeling groggy and unhappy. Take a short 10 minute break every hour. This will greatly help to reduce any fatigue you may be feeling, plus it will increase your durability to stay awake and retain information. Don’t think of it as a wasted 10 minutes because that’s not what it is, sacrificing 10 minutes in a 50 minute sesh is not a big deal.

Take Healthy Breaks

Take Healthy Breaks


Snack Right

There is absolutely no way you’ll survive your late night study sesh if you don’t give your body the fuel it needs. Sorry to say, eating snacks with lots of sugar might pull you through but your body will give out much quicker. The sugar rush will boost your energy and make you crash hard. That’s the opposite of what you want to happen. Choose snacks or foods that are super rich in protein and not glucose. Get some jerky, trail mix, protein bars, berries, Greek yogurt with granola, PB&J sandwich, or chocolate milk. All of these will really help keep your energy up. Plus, you CAN consume caffeine but in small and healthy doses, don’t just slam back coffee after coffee or consume loads of energy drinks. Pace yourself and you’ll do just fine.

Snack Right

Snack Right