13 Brainy Celebs Who Earned Advanced Degrees In College

Published on 11/22/2016

James Franco

I mean, where do we begin? James Franco is the epitome of an overachiever! While he was already a very successful actor, Franco moved to the big apple to simultaneously earn graduate degrees – yeah, that’s not a typo, he simultaneously earned graduate degrees. Columbia University (writing, which he earned in 2010), New York University (film-making) and Brooklyn College (fiction writing). Oh yeah, he also participated in a low-residency MFA poetry program at Warren Wilson College at the same time. Guess what he’s up to now? Why he’s only a PhD student in English at Yale University. Yale, people, Yale. AND, he’s taken classes at the Rhode Island School of Design. Oh wait, one more thing, he’ll be teaching a film class through his own school, Studio4. I just can’t even.

James Franco

James Franco


Christy Turlington

Beauty and brains for this supermodel who graduated cum laude in 1999 from the Gallatin School of Individualized Study of New York University. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree with a concentration in Comparative Religion and Eastern Philosophy. She then continued her studies at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. Umm, can we say impressive?

Christy Turlington

Christy Turlington