Grey’s Anatomy
As a lifelong fan of Grey’s Anatomy, I am still completely broken over the tragic, heart wrenching, unthinkable death of the one and only, McDreamy. He came back to Meredith and his kids after trying to cure Alzheimer’s while working for the President of the United States. The man’s a rock star. And then he’s killed in a freaking car accident as incompetent doctors from a horrible hospital (that is not Grey-Sloan obviously) make mistake after mistake. And we have to watch Meredith pull the plug on her soul mate! Not cool, Shonda, not freaking cool.

Grey’s Anatomy III
Criminal Minds
When Haley is killed by the Boston Reaper and she makes Hotch promise to show their son all the love in the world. Everything about this scene makes me want to scream in grief.

Criminal Minds