Controversial, Heartbreaking TV Moments That Destroyed Your Very Being

Published on 02/27/2017

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Trust me, there were quite the number of moments from ‘Buffy’ that could have ended up on this list, but this moment was special, not just for Buffy as a slayer, but also as a sister and a friend. Buffy’s final words before she sacrifices her life for her sisters and for all of humankind is so damn raw and heartfelt, that you can’t help but well up with tears as you blubber away like a baby.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Buffy The Vampire Slayer


How I Met Your Mother

Online counseling for one, please? When Lily shows up and tells Marshall that his dad died. And he says, “I’m not ready for this.” Neither were we, buddy, neither were we!

How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother