The Vampire Diaries II
Considering that The Vampire Diaries just aired its final season ever (we still can’t believe that’s true!), we of course couldn’t leave the one and only Elena Gilbert behind. Season six was when the horrible (we have worse words for him but let’s keep it PG) Kai casts a sleeping spell on Elena, thus linking her life to Bonnie’s. The spell means that as long as Bonnie lives, Elena sleeps. Watching everyone bid their farewells to Elena is truly devastating and will never be forgotten.

The Vampire Diaries II
Sesame Street
Back on Thanksgiving of 1983, Big Bird learns that his dear friend Mr. Hooper was never coming back. This episode was chosen to air on Thanksgiving because the producers a time when kids were most likely to be with a family member, if they needed to talk to one.

Sesame Street