The Mystery of the Missing Students of 1988: Their Frightening Story Finally Told

Published on 12/16/2024

In 1988, the disappearance of a classroom full of students shocked the country, but no one believed the story. For almost 40 years, the mystery of the missing children persisted, until a woman, Sophie Ryder, came forward, claiming to have been one of the students that day and promising to reveal the terrifying story of the disappearance. And then something unexpected happened…

O Mistério dos Estudantes Desaparecidos de 1988: Sua História Assustadora Finalmente Contada

The Mystery of the Missing Students of 1988: Their Terrifying Story Finally Told


The ’88 group

It was a clear Tuesday in April 1988 when Mr. Hemmington took his students to the woods for a geography lesson. He thought it was a perfect day to observe the flora and fauna in the middle of spring, believing that true knowledge often comes from practical experience, away from the classroom. However, he didn’t imagine that this would turn out to be a big mistake.

O Grupo De 88

The Group of 88