Everyone Had Given Up
Weeks passed and gradually everyone gave up, fearing the worst. How could a group of 23 children and a teacher simply disappear? It was a riddle that many feared would never be solved. Symbolic funerals were held, as there were no remains, nothing but that solitary ribbon found by the dogs. The mystery seemed destined to remain unanswered, leaving an indelible mark on everyone’s memory.

Everyone Had Given Up
People began to move on
As strange stories began to circulate, parents, relatives and loved ones seemed never to be able to forget the children. Over the years, however, many began to drift away, unable to bear the pain of losing so many young lives. Folk tales emerged, saying that during the full moon, children could be heard crying in the forest. Fantasy and fear gripped the town until, unexpectedly, Sophie Ryder reappeared.

People began to move on