The Whole City Was Searching
As the minutes turned into hours, more officers and parents joined the search. “They can’t have disappeared off the face of the earth,” said one mother, who, flashlight in hand, went into the woods in search of clues. Over time, a squad of people went around the area and the police began to use dogs to help with the investigations, but the mystery persisted, with no sign of the group.

The whole town was looking
A Tape Was Found
Despite all their efforts, for some reason the search didn’t seem to be moving forward. This lasted until, finally, one of the dogs picked up a trail. The loud barking of the two hounds echoed through the forest, bringing a new air of hope to the parents in the area. However, the hope was short-lived, as the dogs suddenly stopped when they found a ribbon, but there was no sign of the girl who had used it, nor of any other clues nearby.

A Ribbon Was Found