10 Years After Becoming A Viral Phenomenon, Where is Allison Stokke?

Published on 11/02/2017

Sociology Class

Guys, Stokke also opened up and said, “At Cal, I wrote about it once for a Sociology class. We were supposed to write about some deep thing that affected you emotionally, and then you had the option to share, or not share and delete it. And I didn’t share it. I deleted it. I wish I still had that somewhere, because I think it would be very different now.”

Sociology Class

Sociology Class


Back Then

So if you would have asked her back then, she would have said, “My response back then, in 2008 — was I flattered? In some ways, sure. But I was overwhelmed, too. And I think my response to being overwhelmed was to just stay away from it entirely.”

Back Then

Back Then