Top Tips On How To Prevent Kidney Disease To Live A Long Life

Published on 11/28/2019

Watch Your Red Meat Intakes

Eating red meat occasionally is not unhealthy, but consuming too much red meat is harmful to the kidneys over time. The Journal of the American Society of Nephrology has confirmed that consuming red meat too often can be harmful for your kidneys. On the other hand, proteins that are plant-based actually repair kidney injury. If you replace a serving of red meat with a plant-based protein every week, you will actually reduce your risk for kidney disease by as high as 62 percent.

Watch Your Red Meat Intake

Watch Your Red Meat Intake


Get Those Legs Moving

If your job doesn’t require much moving, then you may want to consider how often you stand up during the day. In 2018, a study revealed that just an hour of physical activity a day can greatly reduce your risk for kidney failure. While it isn’t clear why sitting down increases the likelihood for kidney disease, some researchers believe that it is related to cholesterol and blood glucose levels. So, if you stand up more, your kidneys will be healthier.

Get Those Legs Moving

Get Those Legs Moving