Top Tips On How To Prevent Kidney Disease To Live A Long Life

Published on 11/28/2019

Reduce Butter Habits

Recently, some people have publicly expressed their support for replacing butter with margarine. If you love your kidneys, please do not think that switching to margarine is better. While it may have different ingredients, it is still harmful since the fats found in butter and margarine increase your cholesterol level, which harms your kidneys. Enjoying small amounts of butter is not harmful, but you shouldn’t eat it on a daily basis.

Reduce Butter Habits

Reduce Butter Habits


Don’t Overeat

People have the tendency to forget how much food should be eaten in one meal, especially during the holidays. Overeating can be really stressful on your kidneys since your kidneys will have to sort through all the food that you eat. The most lethal combination of overeating is consuming too much carbs, protein, and fat together. Most holiday dinners include these three, so it’s important to watch what you put into your body carefully.

Don't Overeat

Don’t Overeat