Pour Into Cup
The banana-brewed liquid can then be carefully poured into a cup after you have given the duration to elapse. To separate the sweetened water from the soft banana slop that will possibly float inside, you will need a sieve, while Nutri Advanced also suggests that if you fancy, this soggy excess can be eaten along with the tea. The website also suggests adding a soothing touch of cinnamon to the taste of the brew.
Good For The Skin
And considering the nutritional value of the fruit, it is made from, it is probably unsurprising that banana tea is said to be very healthy for our well-being. Healthline states that some of the advantages of the holy banana are preserved by the beverage while also providing us with extra substances such as copper, magnesium, and manganese. When it comes to keeping our skin in good shape, this last nutrient is extremely beneficial.