The Health Benefits Of Eating Bananas Everyday

Published on 02/09/2021

Not As High As You think

On this particular topic, however, Healthline did raise an important point. You see, though it is also possible to find both potassium and vitamin B6 in banana tea, their concentrations may not be as high as they are in one banana. Just a certain proportion of the original vitamins and minerals of the fruit will be released into the simmering water that surrounds it, after all.

Not As High As You Think

Not As High As You Think


Maximizing The Nutritional Output

Healthline then recommends that you stew the fruit for a longer time than the required ten minutes in order to maximize the nutritional output of the boiled banana. However, certain nutrients, such as vitamin C, will always be lost during the preparation of the tea, regardless of your strategy. The site states that vitamin C is “heat-sensitive,” implying that it will not remain in the water for long, inevitably.

Maximizing The Nutritional Output

Maximizing The Nutritional Output