You Probably Never Knew About The Errors These Movies Have

Published on 05/17/2020

The Hunger Games

In the first moments of the movie, Katniss Everdeen picks up her first bow and arrow, and her form shows; she’s not gripping the bowstring even properly, and it’s too close to her face that her nose would get chopped off! Jennifer Lawrence has made some pretty impressive shots with the bow in The Hunger Games, yet despite training with five-time Olympic archer Khatuna Lorig, the actress’ form leaves much to be desired. “Let’s face it, it’s for the movie, and she needed to look good for the camera.” Lorig comments. And Lawrence really did look good with it.

The Hunger Games



In Braveheart’s first great battle shot on the fields of Stirling, as English cavalry charged towards William Wallace and his Scottish contingent, a random van became the movie’s photobomber! Mel Gibson’s inspiring speech as William Wallace has roused the Scots to battle (and show off the Englishmen their birthday suits) and was about to demolish the oncoming charge when a random minivan drove by a clueless person nearly appeared and ruined the moment. Aside from the tiny errors ranging from sponge weapons to out-of-sequence shots, this peculiar minivan has to be the worst offender of the bunch. With this knowledge, would you be able to spot it the next time you tune in?
