The cat refuses to leave the toilet. The owner sees what’s underneath and calls the police.

Published on 06/06/2024

I’m ignoring Missy for the time being

If Missy climbed into the sink again, there was a good chance she’d turn on the tap and leave the water running all day. Since she had to work now, she couldn’t continue. So Missy had to find another way to keep busy. Sandra had prepared a few treats and toys for Missy to play with while she was away. She had also secured the bathroom so Missy couldn’t get into any trouble. Some of her favorite toys were placed in the bathroom to keep Missy occupied while she was away. Windows were closed and locked to prevent Missy from escaping. Favorite blankets and pillows have also been provided to keep Missy comfortable while she’s away.

Ich Ignoriere Missy Vorerst

I’m ignoring Missy for the moment


I’ve got to get to work

Sandra arrived late at work because of Missy’s search and had to hurry. Arriving at the car, she was surprised by a stranger and an unpleasant smell she couldn’t identify. She started off without paying any attention to the stranger, thinking about Missy and her strange behavior. She almost forgot to turn on the car radio, so immersed was she in her own thoughts. She was so focused on getting to work on time that she didn’t even notice the strange man still standing in the same place when she started the car. She was convinced that this strange encounter had nothing to do with Missy’s odd behavior and that the stranger was just a coincidence. She had to concentrate on getting to work on time, so she drove as fast as she could, hoping to arrive on time.

Ich Muss Mich An Die Arbeit Machen

I’ve got to get to work