The cat refuses to leave the toilet. The owner sees what’s underneath and calls the police.

Published on 06/06/2024

The smell

She concluded that something was wrong with the sewer and ignored it. But she had no idea that her cat’s behavior and the smell were connected. Missy knew something Sandra didn’t. Sandra hurried back to her car, without checking on the strange man and his scent, because all she could think about was getting home. She was too busy to notice the man’s strange clothes or his large bag. She was so focused on getting home safely that she didn’t even register the man’s strong scent. Unsuspecting, she assumed the smell was normal and concentrated on getting to her car. She was too busy trying to get home safely.

Der Geruch

The smell



Sandra’s working day was calm, and she thought back on the morning. Once her emotions had calmed, she suddenly wondered what Missy was doing in the sink. Sandra was relieved to have an uneventful day, as she could now look forward to spending time with Missy without having to worry about work. Nevertheless, she wondered if Missy was interested in the bathroom sink and if it was really so comfortable for her to squat there and ignore Sandra. Sandra found this disturbing, but also charming, as she pondered Missy’s behavior in the sink. She wondered if Missy wasn’t trying to hide, since she was so calm and quiet.

