Retired NBA Star Chris Webber Has Biggest Breakthrough Yet

Published on 09/27/2018

Talented On & Off The Court

The former-pro also founded an investment company, and acted on the comedy Uncle Drew, where he played an aging preacher. It is safe to say that Chris Webber is quite the talented fella!

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Talented On & Off The Court


Playing The Preacher On Uncle Drew

When Chris Webber fine-tuned his acting skills to play the Preacher in the hit movie Uncle Drew, he talked to Uproxx about the  movie, explaining that he “didn’t need to do much studying to get his role down”.  In fact, he said that “I was familiar with the role of the preacher from my history in growing up, and so there was inspiration I took from some people….It was a lot of fun because I did it with guys that are friends of mine, and so I was very comfortable with that.”

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Playing The Preacher On Uncle Drew