The Most Dangerous Species Around The World

Published on 04/23/2018

Step out your door and we bet you will find at least one deadly creature which will attack and the consequences will be stark clear. The animals attack, bite or infect in a way that will probably ruin your life. Be careful…isn’t that quite the understatement!

Such a Viper

The Saw Scaled Snake lives in Africa and India and comes out at night to catch its prey. The toxins are so poisonous that if it bites, it can cause blood disorders and brain hemorrhage. It is recorded that every year that the viper kills more people than any other snake. GULP.

Saw Scaled Snake

Saw Scaled Snake


Floating Terror

The Portuguese Man of War is found in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. Known as blue bottle or a floating error, this siphonphore leaves swelling and marks on the skin which causes severe pain. Also, the poison travels to lymph nodes causing cold-like symptoms.

Portuguese Man Of Wa

Portuguese Man Of War