The Most Dangerous Species Around The World

Published on 04/23/2018

Vampires are Real

I am scared and you should too! The Vampire bat can turn out to be a worst nightmare because when they bite, they get to drink a lot of blood. Apart from the obvious dislike of being bitten by a terrifying bat – they can spread infection to their victims – isn’t that just charming? Yes, that is a rhetorical question.

Vampire Bat

Vampire Bat


No Wall Flower

Beautiful and colorful, these creatures are often confused as flowers. But flowers they are not! They live underwater, are globular, spiky creatures which have a Greek name i.e. Toxopneustes, and that literally means “poison breath”. Charming. This Flower Urchin gives a severe and painful sting to the victim.

Flower Urchin

Flower Urchin