This Is What Your Dog’s Behaviors Really Mean

Published on 12/19/2019

Barking At Nothing

Sometimes when our dogs are looking out the window and start barking, we notice there is nothing actually there for the dog to bark at… so why are they barking? They could be doing this because they are protecting your house. Your house is their house, too, and they want any and all intruders to know that they are there.

Barking At Nothing

Barking At Nothing


Licking You

Most people love when their dog licks their hand or their face, but did you know there is a reason behind it other than dogs loving to lick everything? Some believe that when your dog licks you it is their way of showing affection, while others believe that it is used as a sensory tool for dogs, like a human reaching out to feel something.

Licking You

Licking You