This Is What Your Dog’s Behaviors Really Mean

Published on 12/19/2019

Sniffing Around

Dog noses are great for certain things. Humans have 5 million olfactory receptors, but they have 220 million! They can smell at least a thousand times better than we can. When they sniff around, they are either sensing danger or tracking prey. They will stay still and silent when they do this. Dogs can smell the difference among individual dogs or people. Yes, they can even tell identical twins apart!

Sniffing Around

Sniffing Around


Flipping Up Tongues

When dogs think they did something wrong, they might stick out their tongue and flip it up to apologize. They feel guilty and feel apologetic. It might also be their own way of putting on an innocent face. After all, who can possibly resist such an adorable face? Expect this look when they pee on the floor!

Flipping Up Tongues

Flipping Up Tongues