Rare Photos From Donald Trump’s Childhood

Published on 01/29/2020


This official portrait for Donald Trump was taken in 1983. It brings us back to the time before he was in the headlines every day. This was taken the same year that Trump landed on the Forbes list of wealthy people since he had a share of the Trump company’s $200 million estimated fortune. Later on, his 1980s losses would result in him falling off the list, but as we know, he’s made a comback. The most recent ranking in 2019 by Forbes estimated his net worth at $3.1 billion (259th in the United States). However, he was the first billionare president. Forbes does claim now that Trump’s wealth fell 31% since he announced his presidential run.




‘Ladies’ Man’

While he was in the New York Military Academy, Donald participated in multiple school functions and teams. Here is a picture from the NYMA yearbook, where Trump is called the “Ladies’ Man,” next to a woman. In fact, it would take 50 years for the identity of the woman to be discovered. She turned out to be Fran Dunn, a secretary of the school. She was asked to appear in the picture with Trump. As we all know, Trump’s reputation as a ladies’ man will continue to grow throughout the years, with numerous scandals.

'Ladies' Man'

‘Ladies’ Man’