These Celebrities Reveal Their True Hair Colors

Published on 12/07/2020

In Hollywood, it only makes sense that there are plenty of celebrities who dye their hair. It can be for a certain role or simply due to personal taste and style. With time, however, it starts to become confusing: who’s hair is real? Who’s is dyed? No one can keep track. There are stars who stick to colors that aren’t their natural hues. Since we’re curious to find out what’s natural and what’s not, let’s take a look at some of Hollywood’s biggest stars. What color is their natural hair? You might not expect some of these – we sure didn’t!

Sofia Vergara – Blonde

Since she became everyone’s favorite person thanks to her character, Gloria, on Modern Family, Sofia Vergara’s been on everyone’s radar. Her stunning dark brown locks might be part of her staple look, but it turns out that isn’t her natural color! In fact, the Colombian actress is naturally a sandy blonde. She spoke about the way she had a hard time getting roles as a blonde. However, once she dyed her hair brown, she started getting roles easily. “I’m a natural blonde, like my siblings. When I started auditioning for American acting roles, they didn’t know where to put me. A blonde Latina? In L.A. they’re used to Latin women looking more Mexican. But if you go to Uruguay, Argentina, Colombia, everybody is blonde,” she said.

Sofia Vergara Blonde

Sofia Vergara Blonde


Kate Hudson – Brunette

It’s hard to picture Kate Hudson as anything other than a blonde, much like her mother, Goldie Hawn. Well, in 2017, when she debuted a buzzcut, she inadvertently revealed her true brown hair color. Of course, it was no secret, but all the same, fans were taken by surprise. With time, as her hair started growing back, fans were again taken off guard by her dark brown hair. Speaking of her drastic change, Kate said, “You can get caught up in the fact that, ‘Oh no, what happens if the identity that people see me as is, like, gone?’ I just don’t care. I just don’t think about stuff like that so, for me, I was just excited to get rid of all the old hair.”

Kate Hudson Brunette

Kate Hudson Brunette