The Worst-Ever Fashion Trends We Never Want To See Again

Published on 02/22/2021

Leg Warmers

Whenever you would do any kind of aerobics in the 1980s, you’d be wearing leg warmers to match your stylish outfit. Whether you chose to sweat it out to the Oldies or keep up with Jane Fonda, there apparently was a deep belief that exercise would somehow chill your ankles and calves. We now know that simply is not true and that leg warmers should not have been made in the first place.

Leg Warmers

Leg Warmers


Toe Shoes

In 2005, these terrifying shoes were introduced by a rubber sole company named Vibram. They called them “FiveFinger” shoes. They were meant to be a way to interact with nature in a way that’s closer to nature itself. Almost as if the wearers were walking or running barefoot. However, as copycats entered the scene less than a decade later, Vibram set money aside to settle a health-claim lawsuit.

Toe Shoes

Toe Shoes