A Walkthrough On How The Ideal Female Body Has Changed Throughout The Century

Published on 12/07/2020


Lighter skin is seen in Nigeria as an association between wealth and work in higher classes. As many want to be affiliated with a higher class, skin lightening products are widely pursued out. The preference in terms of shape is, however, thicker and curvy females, due to the idea of being thin indicating illness or poor health. In Nigeria, therefore the ideal is to be curvy, dense, and somewhat larger as a measure of good health.





Romanian women face a severe burden to be thin, which makes it a part of the cultural values to smoke and diet. In addition, in the manner that plastic surgery is very much done and very available, they are very much influenced by western ways. It is not uncommon for women to see a teacher in heels, no matter what their profession is to dress up. Long hair, preserved nails, and a well-built type of body on the bust and trim.

