A Walkthrough On How The Ideal Female Body Has Changed Throughout The Century

Published on 12/07/2020


In Serbia, the ideal of facial beauty also promotes large, blue eyes and big lips. Body-wise, however, Serbian women should ideally be long-legged, thin with a larger than average bust. The ideal is also to be well maintained-to have one’s hair and nails done. Serbian women are responsible for many of the world’s models, and they are truly amazing.




South Africa

When it comes to physical appearance and values of beauty, South Africa embodies many distinct views. There are many perceptions of its many cultural groups. However, having a tiny waist, wide hips, and a bigger bottom is one of the main principles. South Africa, rich in its culture, also promotes a desire for lighter skin among black people, but a need to be somewhat tanned among white people. Fair eyes are widely desired with regard to eye color.

South Africa

South Africa