A Walkthrough On How The Ideal Female Body Has Changed Throughout The Century

Published on 12/07/2020


In Ukraine, as much as we think blonde hair and blue eyes are desired, it is actually the opposite. Dark hair and prominent cheekbones is seen as beautiful. The beauty ideal values slim and pale women, but chubby women were actually admired and valued as the ideal until the 20th century. They prefer a natural look and do not expect women to look like models. Ukraine does not value a fake look or a plastic look.





Peru values the beauty of its indigenous people much as Chile does, but this is not what their dream is the Western view of beauty is what wealth admires and identifies with. The standard of beauty values a western look with blonde hair and blue eyes of tall, skinny women. They fear the idea that their skin may darken and many of those who work outdoors cover up from head to toe in order to prevent any formation of darkening melanin, showing a multitude of cultures and different origins in Peru.

