A Walkthrough On How The Ideal Female Body Has Changed Throughout The Century

Published on 12/07/2020

Betty Grable Was The Pin-Up Girl Of The Decade

We are confident that you are familiar with Rosie the Riveter! And although Betty Grable was not as brawny as the feminist icon, we suspect that she was just as influential. In the ‘40s, she was perhaps the most revered pin-up girl! That is hardly an exaggeration to imagine that all the males in the military had a picture of her in their foot closets.

Betty Grable Was The Pin Up Girl Of The Decade

Betty Grable Was The Pin-Up Girl Of The Decade


The Hourglass Figure Of The ‘50s

Back in the ’40s, women that had a slight curve were the ideal. In the ’50s, it took a step further as people began loving an hourglass shape. People no longer desire a thin physique or strong shoulders. Even magazines started publishing advertisements for weight gainers that was supposed to widen your hips.

The Hourglass Figure Of The ‘50s

The Hourglass Figure Of The ‘50s