A Walkthrough On How The Ideal Female Body Has Changed Throughout The Century

Published on 12/07/2020

Marilyn Monroe Had The Ideal Body

We don’t have to introduce the woman in this photo. We don’t have to say a lot because we have no doubt that you know Marilyn Monroe! She has the perfect hourglass figure, after all. We are not sure that anyone can ever be better than her. That is why millions of women in the ’50s were jealous of her.

Marilyn Monroe Had The Ideal Body

Marilyn Monroe Had The Ideal Body


The Twig Of The ‘60s

As we all know, the world’s perception of an ideal body type goes from one end of the spectrum to the farthest opposite side. After 10 years, the coveted hourglass figure was replaced by the twig. Suddenly, people think that curves were no longer fashionable. During this period, people preferred thin limbs, small waists, and narrow hips.

The Twig Of The ‘60s

The Twig Of The ‘60s