These Flight Attendants Just Told Us All The Secrets Of Flying

Published on 10/02/2018

Dim Lights

On all flights, you may have noticed the lights dim before take-off. Based on the responses from some flight attendants, because takeoff and landing are the highest risk for emergencies, the lights are dimmed so that your eyes will have adjusted to the night-lights, and you can react better in an emergency. That’s smart thinking!

Dim Lights

Dim Lights


Is The Air Safe?

Oh, that dreary old recycled air. It’s smelly, stuffy, and annoying, but is it safe? A lot of people worry about that coughing a few rows ahead traveling throughout the entire plane and infecting us with the same ailment. The reality is that airplane air is the same type of air you’d find in any ordinary office. As for that person coughing a few seats ahead, just try avoiding his handshake.

Is The Air Safe@

Is The Air Safe?