These Flight Attendants Just Told Us All The Secrets Of Flying

Published on 10/02/2018

How Sturdy Are Planes?

When you take a second to think about it, planes are really like buses with wings traveling at hundreds of miles an hour… but are they safe? If something like lightning hit a plane, what would happen? Probably just hundreds of shrieking passengers, but nothing else. The likelihood of an airline accident is close to zero given the extensive safety check that is done before the flight takes off.

How Sturdy Are Planes@

How Sturdy Are Planes?


Worth It Or Not?

Flight attending seems to be a glamorous life of travel, luxury, and adventure, but we have to admit: that’s hardly the reality. For starters, flight attendants only get paid from that precise moment the plane’s cabin doors are closed, which means that flight cancellations and delays don’t earn them a dime. If you’ve ever noticed the flight crew growing anxious as the cabin doors are open waiting for that last passenger? Now you know why: they’re not getting paid for that time.

Worth It Or Not@

Worth It Or Not?