These Flight Attendants Just Told Us All The Secrets Of Flying

Published on 10/02/2018

Why Being Nice Is Worth It

Whoever said nice guys finish last clearly has never tried flying in the 21st century. Being friendly, respectful, and kind on a flight can earn you anything from an upgrade to some extra-attentive crew members. However, if your behavior is the least bit reprehensible, you might find your seat randomly selected to be moved next to the toilet or next to a crying baby for “weight distribution purposes.” Don’t test us on this: it really does happen.

Why Being Nice Is Worth It

Why Being Nice Is Worth It


When It Comes To Water

It’s definitely an annoyance to flight attendants to hear the “ping” of a request just to fill water cups. If you want to be more courteous to the crew, you can consider bringing a bottle of water on to the plane, but under no circumstances should you drink from the taps on the plane. “Water is not potable” means that the tank holds water fit for washing your hands and face, but not for ingesting. So for the sake of your inner organs and a potential water-borne infection, resist drinking that tap water!

When It Comes To Water

When It Comes To Water