Go Easy When You’re Stuck
When encountering mud or snow, avoid exacerbating the issue by causing damage to valuable components. While gently rocking the car to free it is acceptable, if it appears that you’re truly stuck, persisting is unwise. Repeatedly shifting between forward and reverse, along with high-speed tire spinning, can generate excessive heat and lead to complications with transmissions, clutches, and differentials. It may prove more economical in the long term to summon a tow truck rather than risking substantial repair expenses later on. Carrying a traction aid, such as sand, gravel, or cat litter, in the trunk is a prudent precautionary measure.

Go Easy When You’re Stuck
Choose A Good Car Insurer
Occasionally, despite all precautions taken, disaster strikes in the form of an unforeseen accident. Ensure your vehicle’s repair is executed to the highest standard by selecting an insurer that covers original manufacturer parts and guarantees authorized repairs. Additionally, acquaint yourself with these undisclosed car-buying insights your dealer won’t divulge.

Choose A Good Car Insurer