Keep An Auto-log
To monitor your gas fill-ups and mileage, keep a pad and pencil in the glove compartment. If you observe a decline in gas mileage, make sure to inform your serviceman promptly. It could serve as an early indicator of an underlying issue with your vehicle. Moreover, if you find yourself locked out, here’s a handy trick to unlock your car within 30 seconds, even without your keys.

Keep An Auto Log
Park In The Shade
While a garage is undoubtedly the optimal spot for parking your car, it’s not always available. To minimize interior damage caused by UV sunlight and heat, it’s advisable to park in the shade whenever possible. In the event that shade is scarce or parking under trees leads to unwanted bird droppings, using a car shade can effectively reduce the sun’s impact. As an added bonus, you’ll be greeted by a cooler car on scorching hot days. Car shades come in two primary types: unfoldable ones placed on the front windshield and rear window, or pleated variants that can be attached to windshield posts (using adhesive), window frames (using Velcro), or even the windows themselves (using suction cups).

Park In The Shade