Facts You Might Not Know About The First POTUS George Washington

Published on 01/21/2020

His Hunting Companions

Together with spending time outside on the land, chasing foxes with his hounds, and riding horses, George Washington has also written in his journals just how much he enjoyed the companionship that his hunting pals gave him. He usually went fox hunting with the Governor of Virginia Lord Dunmore as well as a skilled rider and enslaved worker called William Lee. He would pass hours on end with them, just hunting foxes around the Mount Vernon property.

His Hunting Companions

His Hunting Companions


Upset About Pay

Washington had been serving the British Army during the French and Indian War. At the time, he got frustrated that British soldiers got paid twice the amount that the soldiers from Virginia did. He voiced his opinion and asked to get equal pay for equal work. On May 18, 1754, he penned a letter to Robert Dinwiddie and said, “I really do not see why the lives of his Majesty’s subjects in Virginia should be of less value, than of those in other parts of his American dominions; especially when it is well known, that we must undergo double their hardship.”

Upset About Pay

Upset About Pay