These Household Hacks Will Make Your Life Easier

Published on 04/29/2021

Extra Fabric with Clothing

Most people think it’s there in case their shirt or pants are torn. To close the hole, you can simply use some extra fabric. That, however, is not the reason for the excess fabric in clothes. Consider this: unless you’re a professional seamstress, you wouldn’t be able to tell if you patched avoid. Instead, experiment with different washing techniques to see whether the fabric shrinks or bleeds colors. After all, you wouldn’t put a new shirt in the washer without seeing how it responds first.

Extra Fabric With Clothing

Extra Fabric With Clothing


Flat Takeout Boxes

Alternatively, we eat it straight from the carton. We regret to inform you, however, that you are incorrectly performing all of your duties. You may take the sides apart and position it flat on the table while the food is still inside the container. If you did anything correctly, your meal will be served on a perfectly flat and usable plate. It’s incredible how easy it is to pull this off, and even more astounding that so many people are unaware of why takeout containers are shaped the way they are.

Flat Takeout Boxes

Flat Takeout Boxes